Puppy Kindergarten, Basic Obedience, Rally Obedience, Canine Good Neighbour (CGN), Specialty
Classes, Private Trianing.
Kayenna Training Academy teaches by force free methods and positive reinforcement. We do not accept prong collars, choke collars, excessive yelling, and absolutely no hands on the dogs while training.
My name is Lauren and I am the owner of Kayenna Kennels & Training Services. I have been actively involved with dogs for over 10 years and am competitive in conformation, rally obedience and CGN. I am an evaluator for the Canadian Kennel Club for their CGN Certificate and also an evaluator for the American Kennel Club for their C.L.A.S.S. program. I am a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers, CKC, AKC, GRCAB and GRCC. Kayenna Kennels is Licensed and an Insured Training Company.
Puppy Kindergarten Class, Basic Obedience, C.L.A.S.S – Canine Life And Social Skills, Specialty Classes, CGN, Rally Obedience and Private Training, Agility, Trick Classes.
Dog Walking (Walk N Train), Puppy/Senior Visits, Day Training, New Puppy Consultations, Puppy Adventure Outings and more!
Kayenna Kennels are also proud breeders of CKC Registered Golden Retrievers for conformation, obedience and performance.