We are dedicated to providing a quality and professional painting service throughout New York City. We specialize in quality interior and limited exterior painting. Our services include all kinds of residential and commercial painting, to include weekends and night work to accommodate those businesses that cannot have painting done during regular business hours example retail services, offices, factories, etc. Oil and latex interior and exterior finishes, plaster repairs, water damage repairs, idea paint pro, white board paint, Wallpaper Removal/Installation, Visit our website to view a full list of our works. Residential Painting Office Painting Commercial Painting New Construction Water Damage Repairs Ideapaint pro application Apartment Painting, and so much more Contact us,
Established in 1985.
We have put together a collection of reference from our New York customers since 1988, as you be able to see these on our testimonials page, We have done Painting, from midtown Manhattan, uptown Manhattan, lower Manhattan, east and Westside of Manhattan, Harlem, to Greenwich Village, Soho New York, to East Village Manhattan, we have worked all areas of NY including all Five Boroughs to provide a full painting service in NYC, and continue to maintain a healthy relationship with all our current customers and have the commitment and hard work to ensure that all our new customers are valued.