As a Diamond Certified company, Air Flow Pros specializes in proven exceptional customer satisfaction and professionalism. A list of our specialty areas of expertise, reviews (verbatim customer responses), video profile, and independent rating details are all available on our online Diamond Certified report. We are experienced technicians and installers specializing in heating,A/C and refrigeration. We work on both the commercial and residential side of the industry offering all of our customers the highest quality of service.
Established in 2009.
As of March 15, 2011 and every year since, Air Flow Pros has earned and maintained the prestigious Diamond Certified award which is only presented to heating & air conditioning contractors and other local service companies that rate ‘highest in quality’ in a detailed customer satisfaction study of their customers. Each qualifying business must also pass a license, insurance, complaint status, legal and credit rating (for contractors). To maintain Diamond Certification, American Ratings Corporation conducts ongoing customer satisfaction surveys and checks credentials on a regular basis.