Turning talented coders into full-stack Software Engineers over 12 weeks, during 800+ hours of JavaScript-focused professional instruction. The CS degree for the 21st century. Computer programming courses begin every 7 weeks. Hack Reactor students build, create and collaborate in a supportive community. Hiring managers compete for our graduates, who receive multiple offers and have a 99% job placement rate. Our average graduate salary is $105K. Learn to think like a Software Engineer and build product-grade web applications. Hack Reactor’s immersive learning environment is exciting, challenging and memorable. After working with our expert instructors through the most advanced curriculum in the industry, you’ll walk out the door exhausted, amazed, and armed with a portfolio of projects to help you thrive in your first job. Prior industry or academic experience is not required, yet most successful applicants have been introduced to programming by writing some code independently.
Established in 2012.
We were founded by engineers Shawn Drost, Tony Phillips, Marcus Phillips and Doug Calhoun in the fall of 2012. Early on we wanted to rethink how programmers were trained – from the philosophical to the practical. We’ve been teaching software engineering, computer science and fundamentals, not just complex frameworks. Immersive apprenticeship delivers real world experience. /DEV Product Development Sprint Services allow students to build sellable product for clients as they learn. All in all we are re-imagining a computer science degree for the 21st century.